So I am in the process of learning Maya. It seems like a really fun program, but going straight from 3Ds Max, it seems so backwords. Here are two run cycles I completed in it using the Moom Rig.
Super busy with classes, getting ready to take my final portfolio >__<. So I will post a smorgishborg( yes I just used that word) of stuff at the end of the quarter. But for now here's some halloween goodies!
More 3D stuff from my classes.This character is for my senior project that I am doing this quarter, I will have a completed animation done by the end of the quarter.
So I'm currently learning a new program called zbrush. It's a pretty sweet program. Our first assignment was to model a hand and here's mine. Its a bit cartoony, but I think it turned out well :]
...was AWESOME! I usually am not a huge movie fan..I enjoy watching them but never really look forward as much..but this one I did. I mainly loved the main dragon Toothless...anywhos..go watch it :)
So I'm finally in my first 3D animation class [ XD ]. And just like every beginning animation class you start with a ball here is mine. Enjoy :]